Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Empty My Soul

I have two God-fearing ladies that I turn to because they really help me do life God's way. My Ikki-Ikki and my Chen Chen (kind of just clicked that my nicknames for them both consist of a repetitive weirdness. Haha) have been my spiritual sisters for a while. We all have shared sins and scriptures throughout the course of our relationship with each other. We're all very different in many ways, but we have a common denominator. We are all daughters of the King living life on earth learning to bring Him glory and honor. One confession session with these ladies and I feel refreshed and ready to allow God to help me take on any situation.

God desires us to have fellowship with people who will uplift us and uplift Him at the same time for our benefit. When we confess to God and others, we are literally emptying out our soul. People go on breaks and vacations to clear their mind. Your soul needs the same type of "clearing" from the guilt that sin binds us in.

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. (James 5:16 NLT)

In confession and prayer, we find a feeling of renewal. I'm not saying go and sin some more then confess and get cleansed again. Like the woman Jesus forgave after she was forced to confess her sin of adultery; Jesus tells us the same message after we confess, "Go and sin no more."

Emptying your soul is simple, but you need to be in fellowship with God and the right people. Find your Ikki-Ikki and Chen Chen in your life and let the healing begin. Trust me when I say you haven't experienced the power of freedom until you've experienced the power of prayer.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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